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Thema: Gracia Graciosos neues Buch

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Von Lilxxxxxxxxx
855 Beiträge bisher
re: Gracia Graciosos neues Buch

Sehr interessant, obgleich ihre Art zu sprechen mit den häufigen Räusperern das Zuhören leider erschwert. "Die Konjunktur des Begriffes Identität hat etwas mit der Auflösung politischer Ideologien zu tun. "

12.07.2023 um 22:48    Diesem Beitrag direkt AntwortenAntworten
Von Lilxxxxxxxxx
855 Beiträge bisher
re: Gracia Graciosos neues Buch

Offen gesagt kaue ich noch am Double Bind herum... Der Wiki-En Artikel erwähnt übrigens etwas interessantes. Das Krankheitsbild der "Schizophrenie" war zu Zeiten von Bateson noch bei weitem nicht so klar abgegrenzt wie heute. Bateson arbeitete viel mit Kriegsveteranen, die von den damaligen Gutachtern einfach pauschal als schizophren diagnostiziert wurden. Nach heutiger Systematik wäre es aber post-traumatische Belastungsstörungen. Hmmm... auch in "Einer flog über Kuckucksnest" haben wohl einige der Patienten eher post-traumatische Belastungsstörungen als (wie dort von den Ärzten diagnostiziert) Schizophrenie? Schizophrenia The Double Bind Theory was first articulated in relationship to schizophrenia when Bateson and his colleagues hypothesized that schizophrenic thinking was not necessarily an inborn mental disorder but a pattern of learned helplessness in response to cognitive double-binds externally imposed. It is helpful to remember the context in which these ideas were developed. Bateson and his colleagues were working in the Veteran's Administration Hospital (1949–1962) with World War II veterans. As soldiers they'd been able to function well in combat, but the effects of life-threatening stress had affected them. At that time, 18 years before Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder was officially recognized, the veterans had been saddled with the catch-all diagnosis of schizophrenia. Bateson didn't challenge the diagnosis but he did maintain that the seeming nonsense the patients said at times did make sense within context, and he gives numerous examples in section III of Steps to an Ecology of Mind, "Pathology in Relationship". For example, a patient misses an appointment, and when Bateson finds him later the patient says "the judge disapproves"; Bateson responds, "You need a defense lawyer". See following (pp. 195–6).[clarify] Bateson also surmised that people habitually caught in double binds in childhood would have greater problems—that in the case of the person with schizophrenia, the double bind is presented continually and habitually within the family context from infancy on. By the time the child is old enough to have identified the double bind situation, it has already been internalized, and the child is unable to confront it. The solution then is to create an escape from the conflicting logical demands of the double bind, in the world of the delusional system (see in Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia – Illustrations from Clinical Data). One solution to a double bind is to place the problem in a larger context, a state Bateson identified as Learning III, a step up from Learning II (which requires only learned responses to reward/consequence situations). In Learning III, the double bind is contextualized and understood as an impossible no-win scenario so that ways around it can be found. Bateson's double bind theory has not yet been followed up with any known published research, as to whether family systems imposing systematic double binds might be a cause of schizophrenia. The current understanding[who?] of schizophrenia emphasizes the robust scientific evidence for a genetic predisposition to the disorder. Psychosocial stressors, including dysfunctional family interaction, are secondary causative factors in some instances.

14.07.2023 um 22:42    Diesem Beitrag direkt AntwortenAntworten
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